Verify Your Account BEFORE registration day: Make sure your account is complete with all family members and fully functional before registration day. If you don't already have an account, call our front desk team for assistance.
Credits on Account: If you are logged in online and don't see your account credit, please call our front desk team and we will make it available for you to use online! 780-960-5080 (press 0).
Waitlisting: If the course you want is full, add a participant to the waitlist (online, over the phone or in person) and if a place becomes available in that course, or if we create additional similar courses we will contact you!
Wellness Program Pass: If a participant registers for lots of courses but doesn't use the TLC for drop-in, take advantage of early registration and member pricing for 365 days by purchasing the Wellness Program Pass - the cost of the Pass is often re-couped in reduced course fees for one whole year.
10+ ahead of a course start date: You may withdraw from a course or transfer to an alternative course.
Inside 10 days prior to course start date: If you choose to withdraw from a course, no refund, credit or course transfer will be provided. Consideration for a refund or credit (full or pro-rated) may be made at the TLC's discretion if a Doctor’s Certificate is provided, or if extenuating circumstances exist.